We know that the way we gather matters

And that we are effected by the environments we work in. Our hosting style reflects that and creates a generative online environment for our highly participatory programs, offering a new level of online engagement. Most of our offerings are for people with an existing hosting practice, and they benefit from the considerable collective knowledge present in the group, as well as from the diverse set of “special guests” we invite to bring their unique gifts and experience to the programs we offer. Another unique quality of our programs is that we harvest them in a way that can be useful to both course participants and the public after the course is complete. 


After having collaboratively produced successful advanced trainings for the World Cafe and Art of Hosting communities, we became fascinated by the cross-pollination of knowledge we saw working across practitioner communities. We know that we learn best by working together, so we created Beehive Productions as a way to call out and support the great diversity of methods and hosts that make up the field of participatory practice.


50% Complete

Two Step

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